






当店にしかない、こだわりの地酒・ワインとブランド食材旬の逸品料理。東京 武蔵境

選び抜かれた日本の厳選食材と 品揃え豊富なこだわりの日本酒&ワイン。

落日酒楽では20年間、 オーナー自ら全国の幻の厳選食材や、 超限定の純米酒・ワインを求めて 日本中に産地・現地に行っております。 時には泊り込みで純米酒を造ります。 思いの込められた食材と飲み物の数々を お楽しみください。

Selected Japanese carefully selected ingredients A wide selection of sake and wine of particular attention.

For HIOCHI for 17 years, Watanabe owner himself selected carefully selected phantom of the whole country, Looking for ultra-limited net rice wine I am going to the production area and local area during Japan. Sometimes I make net rice wine with a night stay. A lot of thoughtful ingredients and drinks Please enjoy. Selected Japanese carefully selected ingredients A wide selection of sake and wine of particular attention.

For HIOCHI for 17 years, Watanabe owner himself selected carefully selected phantom of the whole country, Looking for ultra-limited net rice wine I am going to the production area and local area during Japan. Sometimes I make net rice wine with a night stay. A lot of thoughtful ingredients and drinks Please enjoy.
